Monday, March 22, 2010


It is important to acknowledge Jessie McClymont, (deceased) the daughter of Alexander( the ninth born) who recorded a lot of the information that has been relied upon for these blogs. She was an army nursing sister who did not marry.
Aunt Jessie hand wrote the family tree of the Manuka family and now we need to up date that with information from you all at the reunion.
She documented the names of the other siblings of our Manuka forefather - Alexander Cummingham McClymont.
Alexander's parents were Thomas McClymont and Anne Cunningham who were married in 3 November 1834 at Rerrick Scotland. The children were born in this order-
James was born 3 November 1835 at Kirkcudbrightshire Buittle parish.
Alexander Cunningham Born 9 July 1838 at Buittle. Lived in NZ from 22years old Died 27-11-1900.
Thomas born 24-1-1843. Died aged 3 2-2-1846 aged 3.
Agnes Jane born 9-6-1846 at Buittle. died 21-12-1921 Edinbuurgh.
George McTaggart born 1848 at Bruttle .Died aged 27 11-3-1876 in London.

The burning question is "Which brother was it that travelled to New Zealand and Australia with Alexander?"

Information from the Clans of Scotland says that the Lamont family first appeared in the Cowall region of Argyll in the early thirteenth century.
A lord of Cowall called Ladman or Lauman, is regarded as the founder of the clan.
A John Lamont of Inveryne, owner of Toward Castle was knighted in 1539.
The McClymonts were also recorded as farmers in Ayrshire in 1613
There is extensive information about the family name history . In short Lamont means "law man,that is one who laid down the law or lawyer."

MOTTO: Ne parcas, nec spernas. Translates to"Neither spare nor despise."

Much could also be said about the repeated clashes of the Lamont Clan with their formidable and much more powerful neighbours, Clan Campbell.
Needless to say they did also intermarry.

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