Thursday, May 6, 2010


RSVP date is next Friday 14th May. Please try to give us some idea of you intentions so that we can begin to organise the food.
We will be asking everyone to 'chip in' $20. This is for the provision of lunch, afternoon tea, coffee and tea, as well as light/soft drinks. If there is a balance remaining after the payment of all expenses then that balance will be donated to the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Should you be coming by car you may wish to bring along some chairs.
BYO any alcohol you would like to have. There will be a large esky to keep those supplies cold for you!
Refer to a much earlier blog for details of close ( walking distance for the closest listed) motels that you can contact for bookings.
CATCHING UP WITH OTHER RELATIONS. Should you be arriving on Saturday, you may like to find out who else you could meet up with for dinner or breakfast before the reunion. Some families are already planning to do this.
SUNDAY NIGHT.We are in the process of finding a venue that family can go to for dinner after the reunion and party on! I will try to find a place that does not require us to book - so that it doesn't 'lock' anyone in. More on that later.
MEMORABILIA. There will be an area for display of any family items of interest. These can include photos,pictures of items from Manuka that people own, war medals and almost anything you wish to show. Remember we can copy any photos you bring.
LOCATION DETAILS. Please note that the address is 7 BOWEN STREET. It is just off the highway as you enter Rockhampton from the south/Brisbane/ Longreach road.
Be sure to contact us on mcclymontmanuka at Just substitute the at with @ when you send it.

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