Monday, April 26, 2010


A picture of the patriach of the family, Alexander Cunningham McClymont taken from the old family album acquired from Manuka.
How many McClymont men do you know bear a resemblance to him?
The grave stone picture has come to us from family - keep those photos coming! You can down load and keep all these any time you wish. See earlier blogs for his life history.
There is no doubt these blog stories have started memories ticking over!
Mac McClymont has sent in a story about Alexander contribution to the area. The Baker family who were Mac 's parents -in -law and lived at Mt Russell - close to Manuka, passed on this story. When the railway line was being put through part of Manuka there was a plan for a siding/village in the area. Alexander donated the land for the village on the condition that no hotel or pub was allowed to be built. Mt. Russell has never had a pub!

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